Daily Devotional for March 27, 2010 |
"The Law of Space" Source:CBH |
Ethan was at his locker when he overheard some boys down the hallway. "Hey, Rob," said Theo, "did ya hear the latest?" Then Theo told a very nasty joke, and the boys laughed loudly. Ethan quickly left, but all day long the joke kept popping back into his mind.
For several days, Ethan was bothered by the joke he had overheard. He seemed unable to forget it, and finally decided to talk to his father about it. When Ethan told Dad what had happened, Dad nodded. "Satan wants to control your mind," he told Ethan, "so he keeps bringing back the bad things you see and hear."
Ethan sighed. "So what can I do about it?" he asked.
"You know the law of space, don't you?" asked Dad.
"Sure," answered Ethan. "No two things can occupy the same space at the same time. We learned that in science class . . . but it's just common sense anyway." He pointed to a book. "Like that book. Nothing else can be in that space on the table unless the book is moved."
"Right," agreed Dad. "It's the same way with your mind. Fill it up-and keep it filled-with good things. Then no filth can occupy the space the good things take up."
"How do I do that?" asked Ethan uncertainly.
"Read the Bible and other good books," replied Dad. "Listen to people and programs that don't use bad language or teach immoral things. Fill your mind with things that will help you live a wholesome life. That part is your responsibility."
"I do try to read and hear good things, Dad," Ethan said, "but I still can't forget that joke."
"Well, now comes God's part," said Dad. "When you received Jesus as Savior, you received the Holy Spirit to help you. He gives you the ability to overcome evil. As soon as the bad joke comes to your mind, ask God to cleanse your mind and to help you replace thoughts of that story with thoughts of things that are good and true. Think of a verse or a song to praise the Lord. Soon you'll find yourself thinking of the joke less and less often, until you finally forget it."
Ethan nodded. "Okay," he agreed. "I'll do that."
Do you have trouble controlling your thoughts? You can have victory! Throughout your life, you will sometimes come across images or stories that are not what God would want you to hear or see. As much as you can, avoid situations where you hear or read unwholesome things. Fill your mind with good things. Above all, ask the Holy Spirit to help you replace bad thoughts with good ones.
Bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5
哥林多後書 10:5