
Old Sandy 老我仙蒂

"There goes Old Faithful!" exclaimed Ben as they watched hot water burst from the ground and shoot high into the air. He and his sister Sandy were watching the video Dad had made on their vacation to Yellowstone National Park. "The park ranger said the rock deep underground is so hot that it heats the spring water," added Ben.



old_faithful_0582.jpg old_faithful_0763.jpg

  "And then the underground water reaches the boiling point and basically boils over and shoots out of the ground," added Sandy, eager to show that she knew, too.


When the video ended, Sandy and Ben got out a game. "You lose!" said Ben after they played a little while. "You're not allowed to make that move!"


"I am, too!" insisted Sandy. But Ben wouldn't agree, and angry words flew back and forth. Finally, Sandy pushed back her chair, tipping it over. "You make me so mad I could just scream!" she snapped.

我可以!”仙蒂堅持說.但班不同意,兩人生氣對罵起來.最後,仙蒂推開她的椅子並打翻. 厲聲說.”你讓我瘋狂,我只想大叫!”

"What did I do?" Ben asked.

班問: “我做了什麼?”

"All kinds of things," retorted Sandy. "You cheat! And you used my bike without asking; you embarrassed me in front of my friends; you spilled juice on my homework." Sandy's voice got louder and louder. "I hate you!" She ran to her bedroom and slammed the door. Then she opened it and slammed it again.


Ben followed behind when Mom went to Sandy's room. "You know we don't slam doors," said Mom sternly. "That outburst of anger was not pretty."


"You erupted with more force than Old Faithful," put in Ben. He grinned. "I think I'll call you 'Old Sandy'," he teased his sister.


"Ben, go to your room," said Mom. "I'll talk to you later." When he had left, she turned to Sandy. "Ben does have a point," she said.


"But Ben's mean!" pouted Sandy. "He'd make anybody mad!"


"We all have feelings of anger at times," said Mom. "We need to deal with them, not just let them build up and burst out. One way to deal with your anger is to talk to the person who made you angry and explain what's bothering you. Don't store up angry feelings and grudges. Make an effort to make peace and be friends."


"I don't think Ben would listen, so I doubt it's worth the trouble," said Sandy.


"Try it. A loving relationship with anyone is worth the effort," insisted Mom.



What do you do with your anger? Do you keep it inside and let it build up into bitterness and resentment? Does it erupt in angry words and actions? Don't allow it to do that! Ask God to help you deal with anger. Talk with the person who has made you angry, and discuss things you disagree on. Be willing to forgive-and perhaps even to "agree to disagree." In any case, turn the problem over to God before the day ends.


你生氣時如何處理你的怒氣?你會將怒氣放在心裡累積成苦毒和怨恨嗎?你會讓怒氣爆發成憤怒的話語和行為嗎?不要允許怒氣做這些事! 神幫你處理你的怒氣.找那位令你生氣的人好好談判,討論你不同意的部份.要願意原諒他人甚至也許可以認同異議”.任何狀況,在一天結束前將問題交給上帝尋求解決.

Do not let the sun go down on your wrath. Ephesians 4:26


以弗所書 4:26


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    文學與人生 Dream sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.

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