1. The words that we usually do not stress in a sentence are called function words. Function words are pronouns, articles, prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary (helping) verbs, and the verb be.(我們在句子中通常不會強調讀的字稱為虛詞。虛詞是指代名詞、冠詞、介詞、連接詞、助動詞、和 be 動詞。)
What do you want for dinner? (do, you, for)
2. We usually reduce the vowels in function words. Sometimes the vowel disappears completely.(我們通常會輕讀虛詞的母音。有時母音會完全消失。)
How about fish or chicken. ->How ‘bout fish ‘r chicken.
A man and a woman. -> a man ‘n’ a woman
A glass of milk -> a glass o’ milk
3. Sometimes consonants in function words are also omitted. For example, when pronouns such as he, him, her, his, hers, and them occur in the middle of a phrase, the initial h or th sound often disappears.(有時虛詞的子音也會省略。例如,當發位於片語中間像是 he,him,her,his,hers, 和 them 這些音時,字首的 h 或 th 的發音經常不見。)
Does he know her?->Does ‘e know ‘er?
In casual conversation, speakers commonly use reduced expressions. These reductions sometimes make English difficult to understand. (在閒聊時,說話者一般會用縮短的表達用語。這些縮語有時讓英語很難懂。這些縮短形式只用於口語英語,不用於寫作上。)
1. Are you going to go to the company picnic? ->Are you gonna go to the company picnic?
2. I want to go, but I have to go to a wedding that day.->I wanna go, but I hafta go to a wedding that day.
3. I don’t know if I’m going to go yet. ->I dunno if I’m gonna go yet.
4. I’m supposed to pick up a friend at the airport. -> I’m supposta pick up a friend at the airport.
5. We used to work for the same company.-> We usta work for the same company.
Following modals such as could, should, would, and must, the reduced form of have often has the /ə/ ("uh") sound. These reduced forms are used only in spoken English. They are not used in writing.(在情態助動詞如 could,should,would 和 must 的後面,have 的縮短形式經常有 /ə/ ("uh") 音。這些縮短簡化形式只用於口語英語,不用於寫作上。)
1. She must have gotten stuck in traffic.->She musta gotten stuck in traffic.
2. Or her meeting could have gone late.->Or her meeting coulda gone late.
3. I should have said 7:00 instead of 6:30.->I shoulda said 7:00 instead of 6:30.
4. But then she would have gotten here at 7:30.->But then she woulda gotten here at 7:30.
D. 縮語(非正式)
In casual conversation, speakers commonly use reduced expressions. Some reductions make speech sound natural.( 在閒聊時,說話者一般會用縮短的表達用語。有些縮語讓話聽起來很自然。)
1. Are you going to drive? ->you gonna drive?
2. Where did he go? ->Where ‘d’e go?
3. What are you doing? ->Whatcha doin’?
4. Did you talk to Sally? -?Ja talk to Sally?
5. You have got to be quick.->Ya gotta be quick.
6. You have got to be joking.->Ya gotta be joking.
7. Where did you get those shoes?->Where ja get those shoes?
E 連結(子音+相同子音)
1. In spoken English, the ends and beginnings of words are often connected, or linked, so that there is no pause between the words.( 在口語英語中,一個字的字尾和下一個字的字首經常連接或連在一起,讓字和字之間沒有停頓。) May we have a menu? ->May we hava menu?
2. Within a phrase or related group of words, when a word that ends with a consonant sound is followed by a word that begins with the same consonant sound, speakers link the consonant sounds. The sound is pronounced once, but it is longer than a single consonant would be.( 在片語或相關的字群中,當一個字以子音結束且下一個字以相同子音開始時,說話者會將這兩個子音連結起來。這個音只發音一次,但會比只有單一子音時發音更長。)
We’re ready to order.->We’rrrrrr ready to order.
I’d like some melon to start. ->I’d like sommmelon to start.
A single latte, please.->A singlllatte. Please.
Make that two.->Make thatttwo.
1. In spoken English, the end of one word and the beginning of the next word are often connected, or linked, so that there is no pause between the words.( 在口語英文中,一字的字尾和下一個字的字首常連結起來,連在一起發音,讓字和字之間不會有停頓。) What a gloomy day.->Whata gloomy day.
2. Within a phrase or related group of words, when one word ends with a consonant sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, the two sounds are linked. The consonant sound at the end of the first word often seems to jump to the beginning of the second word.( 在片語或相關的字群中,當一個字以子音結束且下一個字以母音開始時,這兩個音會連結在一起。第一個字字尾的子音經常像是會跳到第二個字的字首。)
In the winter, it rains a lot.->In the winter, it rain - za lot.
It’s been raining since six o’clock. ->It’s been raining since sik-so’clock.
It’s cold outside.->It’s col-doutside.
Put on your coat.->Pu-don your coat.
1. In spoken English, the ends and beginnings of words are often connected, or linked, so that there is no pause between the words. A d sound at the end of a word and a y sound at the beginning of the next word often combine to sound like the letter j.( 在口語英語中,一字的字尾和下一字的字首經常連接或連在一起,讓字和字之間沒有停頓。一個字的字尾是 d 和下一個字的字首是 y 的時候,它們經常連在一起發類似 j 的音。)
Did you call Gina?->Dijou call Gina?
How could you? Would you help? Should you go?
2. A t sound at the end of a word and a y sound at the beginning of the next word often combine to sound like ch.(一個字的字尾是 t 和下一字的字首是 y 的時候,它們經常連在一起發類似 ch 的音。)
Weren’t you going to ask her for a date?->Wernchou going to ask her for a date?
Can’t you see? Put your hat on. I got your email. Quit your job.
3. An s sound at the end of a word and a y sound at the beginning of the next word often combine to sound like sh.( 一個字的字尾是 s 和下一字的字首是 y 的時候,它們經常連在一起發類似 sh 的音。)
Don’t wait too long. You will miss your chance.-> Don’t wait too long, you will misher chance.
I miss your smile. He will dismiss you. Pass your cup. I guess you’re tired.
4. A z sound at the end of a word and a y sound at the beginning of the next word often combine to sound like zh, the sound in usual. (一個字的字尾是 z 和下一字的字首是 y 的時候,它們經常連在一起發類似 zh 的音,像在 usual 中的音。)
Gina’s your friend, not mine.->Gina’zher friend, not mine.
Who’s your friend? Close your eyes. He sees you. Is your dog big?
H. 連結(母音+母音)
1. Within a phrase or related group of words, when a word that ends with a vowel sound is followed by a word that begins with a vowel sound, speakers sometimes link the vowel sounds with a w or y sound. (在片語或相關的字群中,當一個字以母音結束且下一個字以母音開始時,說話者有時會用 w 或 y 的音將母音連在一起。)
Meet me on the corner. ->Meet meYon the corner.
I will have a blue umbrella. I will have a blueWumbrella.
It will be great to meet you at last. I am looking forward to it.->It will be great to meet youWat last. I am looking forward toWit.
So am I. I’ll be on time. SoWam I, I’ll beYon time