Daily Devotional for December 31, 2009 |
"Inventory Time" 盤點時刻
"Hi, Dad," Kristi greeted her father, who was the manager of a large department store. "Do you have to go back to work after dinner?"
"Nope-it's New Year's Eve," said Dad, "and I'm glad we're closed tonight. All week we've been busy with people returning and exchanging things they got for Christmas-and with our annual after-Christmas sales."
"How come you always have sales right after Christmas?" Kristi wondered.
"Well, partly to sell as much as possible before we take inventory next month," replied Dad.
"Inventory?" asked Kristi. "What's that?"
"Oh, you know," said her brother Brent. "They count everything in the store to see how well they did. And they need to find out what sold and what didn't so they know what to order for the next year and what to skip-stuff like that. Isn't that right, Dad?"
Dad smiled. "That's a pretty good description," he agreed. "We do that once a year." He paused, then added, "It would be a good idea for all of us to take an inventory of our lives at least once a year, too-and New Year's Eve would be a good time for us to do that."
"Take inventory of our lives? Should we count how many pairs of shoes and jeans and shirts we have?" asked Kristi. She laughed. "Hey, that might be a good idea. Then maybe Mom would see that I need some more!"
"I bet she'd see you have too many already," Brent scoffed. "Then you wouldn't get any new clothes for a whole year." He grinned at his sister.
Dad laughed. "That's not exactly what I had in mind," he said. "I think it would be good to review how we lived this past year. We should think about things we've done and decide what was pleasing to God and what wasn't."
"Should we make New Year's resolutions to do only the good ones?" asked Kristi.
“我們應該要許下新年的願望,只做那些好的部份嗎?” 克莉絲蒂問.
"Not necessarily," Dad replied "but we should ask God to show us which past actions we should keep and which we should replace-and then, with His help, please Him in all we do this coming year."
Looking back, do you see times when you were obedient, helpful, and loving? Times when you did your best to please God and serve Him? Do you also see times when you were thoughtless, unkind, or selfish? Times when you wanted your own way instead of God's way? Ask God to help you repeat those things that pleased Him and to avoid those that did not. Do your best to love Him and serve Him better each year.
Remember that the Lord your God led you all the way. Deuteronomy 8:2
你 也 要 記 念 耶 和 華 你 的 神 在 曠 野 引導 你 、 這 四 十 年 、 是 要 苦 煉 你 、 試 驗 你 、 要 知 道 你 心 內 如 何 、 肯 守 他 的 誡 命 不 肯 。
申命記 8:2