• Aug 15 Sat 2009 01:42
  • 晨曦



May God grant me the wisdom to discover the right,
the will to choose it and the strength to make it endure.

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※我不是RAIN 迷,我是南丁格爾迷:P

南丁格爾手記 –張文亮編譯
-1860年, 南丁格爾所著<對思考的建議>(Suggestions for Thought)

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1.紅茶+薑糖 (餓了可以吃黑糖糖果)





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"Like a Badger" (II) 像獾一樣



"I found out more about badgers," announced Kate as the family sat down to dinner. "Dad helped me check out information on the internet."


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"Like a Badger" (I) 像獾(ㄏㄨㄢ)一樣

"What are you reading about?" asked Kate as she peered over her brother's shoulder. "O-h-h-h! Look at that little animal! Isn't he cute?"

你在讀什麼?”當凱特出現在她弟弟背後時問. “!看那隻小動物!牠是不是很可愛呢?”

"You call everything cute!" protested Caleb. "That's a badger, and badgers are interesting, not cute!"

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"The Spark Plug" 火星塞

Jason gave the starter cord on the lawn mower a quick pull. Nothing happened. He pulled it again . . . and again. But no matter how many times he pulled the cord, the lawn mower would not start. Finally, he sat down on one of the lawn chairs with a disgusted look on his face. "This isn't my day," he grumbled as his father came out of the house. "First Mr. Bradley bawled me out, and now the mower won't start." He glanced up-he hadn't meant to tell Dad about Mr. Bradley, and he hurried to explain. "Honest, Dad, I didn't do anything very bad-I just said something that Mr. Bradley called a 'minced oath.'"


傑森很快拉了一下割草機的起動繩索.什麼也沒發生.他又拉了一次又一次.但不管他拉了多少次,草機還是無法啟動.最後,他坐在一張草坪上的椅子,臉上帶著厭惡的表情.”真不是我的日子,”他對走出門來的父親抱怨.”首先是布萊德利先生對我大叫,現在是草機不能發動.”他往上瞥了一眼-沒打算要告訴爹地有關布萊德利先生的事,很快解釋.”老實說,爹地,我沒做什麼多壞的事-我只是說了一些話, 布萊德利先生稱為矯飾的咒語.”


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Chapter 1-4 莉莉試圖找到自己的定位,學習如何當一個女孩...

T. Ray and I lived just outside Sylvan, South Carolina population 3,100. Peach stands and Baptist churches, that sums it up.


At the entrance to the farm we had a big wooden sign with OWENS PEACH ENTERPRISES painted across it in the worst orange color you’ve ever seen. I hated that sign. But the sign was nothing compared with the giant peach perched atop a sixty-foot pole beside the gate. Everyone at school referred to it as the Great Fanny, and I’m cleaning up the language. Its fleshy color, not to mention the crease down the middle, gave it the unmistakable appearance of a rear end. Rosaleen said it was T. Ray’s way of mooning the entire world. That was T. Ray.


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Chapter 1-3  對母親的思念及內疚...

My first and only memory of my mother was the day she died. I tried for a long time to conjure up an image of her before that, just a sliver of something, like her tucking me into bed, reading the adventures of Uncle Wiggly, or hanging my underclothes near the space heater on ice-cold mornings. Even her picking a switch off the forsythia bush and stinging my legs would have been welcome.


The day she died was December 3, 1954. The furnace had cooked the air so hot my mother had peeled off her sweater and stood in short sleeves, jerking at the window in her bedroom, wrestling with the stuck paint.


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Old Sandy 老我仙蒂

"There goes Old Faithful!" exclaimed Ben as they watched hot water burst from the ground and shoot high into the air. He and his sister Sandy were watching the video Dad had made on their vacation to Yellowstone National Park. "The park ranger said the rock deep underground is so hot that it heats the spring water," added Ben.



old_faithful_0582.jpg old_faithful_0763.jpg

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